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  • Writer's pictureMathew Hedge

How Portable Toilets Can Help Conserve The Environment ?

The struggle to build a sustainable future starts with the conservation of the environment from a minute to a global scale. Every industry is being prompted to make changes within their organization to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to the fight against climate change. These changes can involve big shifts in operations like the introduction of sustainable business models or small changes like installing portable toilets, to make their sanitation system more efficient.

The first portable toilets were created during World War II in Long Beach, California shipyards where work time was wasted because workers had to walk all the way to the docks to use bathrooms. Since then, these toilets have continued to be extensively used all over the world to make sanitation readily available to the public. They are also used in private properties, corporate offices, public events, and every place imaginable that needs clean and sustainable sanitation. The reason behind the usefulness of portable washroom rentals is that they use minimum or no chemicals for cleaning, instead of utilizing enzymes and microbes to treat the sewage and prevent the spread of bad odor and bacteria.

Ways in which portable toilets help the environment

  1. Conservation of water: Portable toilets use much less water as compared to homes in the United States, and it is estimated to save more than 125 million gallons of freshwater daily. As the flushing and waste disposal in rented portable toilets require minimum water, it saves a lot of water which can be used for other purposes.

  2. Proper waste disposal: If human waste is not disposed of properly, it can contaminate surrounding water bodies and even the groundwater. It also leads to the spreading of various diseases. Portable washrooms do not have underground pipeline connections which can cause contamination due to leaks or improper installment. They are self-contained units that ensure the proper disposal of waste.

Improve public health: Portable washroom rentals in public spaces or outdoor events can contribute greatly to the conservation of public health. They can be installed in worksites to provide safe and clean sanitation for workers, thus reducing the number of sick days.

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